How To Do Keyword Research Using Google Search Engine



You have come to the right place if you are a content writer and you are trying to find some good keywords for work. During that time there were a lot of competitors on the internet, but don’t worry, I have an awesome keyword research technique to solve your problem, so without wasting any more time, let’s get started.

Important Points For Keyword Research:

  1. Before Keywords Research Your Intent is Need to Clear About Keyword Intent.
  2. Don’t Depend on Search Volume or CPC .
  3.  Put Keyword in search and check what websites rank unnecessary on your Keyword.
  4. See what people are searching related to your keywords and add them into your content.
  5.  Satisfy the audience to answer their question and not think about algorithm and ranking factor.
  6. Be honest and genuine  and show the originality in your content for better experience.
  7. Built Trust Between Build to stay connect with them.
  8. Using Questionable Keywords to rank Higher in Google.
  9. Don’t Do Keyword Stuffing in your content because that harm your content and also make problem in ranking.
  10. Update content regularly according to algorithms.

Depending on Keyword Tools:

In these digital age, there are many keyword research tools in the market to make your work easy, but that’s not completely true because they only provide a limited amount of data to show you, whereas Google searches provide real-time data, so I choose to research with Google, not keyword tools, but these tools are good for finding ideas and analyzing competitors.

Understanding People Intent:

To begin with, you need to think about the seed keyword for your topic and then search on Google and see what people are searching about this keyword and see some queries under “People Also Ask“. Section in google and Choose some topic related to your seed keywords.

Understanding People Intent in people also ask question in google search

Find Golden Keywords:

Golden Keywords are those keywords that Know one working on them and your competitors are ignoring in his niche because they have very low search  volume. Let me explain these keywords are long tail and some unique words containing things like this Example “Digital Marketing Works in Real Life” or anything that is very unique.

Finding Golden Keywords on Google Search

Zero Competition Keyword:

Check out some keywords that Google suggests and see what websites rank on Google that don’t satisfy your intent. Because the search engine doesn’t know anything about your keyword, it can suggest those websites that have a bit of the same information as your keyword but don’t have the same answer as you are looking for.

Finding Zero Competition Keywords on Google Search

Content Research and Analysis:

Identify the topics in content your competitor is missing that you can define more precisely and deeply to learn from their mistakes. Search Google related to your keywords to find more topics to cover in your content so you can easily beat the Google algorithm and see how research works.

Question Keywords:

Focus on question keywords as well because they have a good chance of ranking well in search engines. See some examples your keyword is digital marketing, so how does digital marketing work? What Digital Marketers Do ? Who Needs Digital Marketing Can Digital Marketing Make Money ? so try it with your combination and see the mafic.

Extra Tips:

If you understand the intent of the user’s question and not for Google, your people will be satisfied, so you will win the game in your field. Provide extra value to them so that you can build trust between you and your audience and here, you can help your people by making a bridge between you and them. Make sure you keep experimenting with your work and try something new to improve your skills.


At this time, there are a lot of options available on the internet, but experiment with everything to see what works best for you. Keyword research is the heart of content, so spend time on that. and research properly because if you are not right in this your content worth is nothing so be careful.

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